Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Structured Settlements-Cash Structured Payouts

Cash settlements are also known by other names in the field including structured settlements and cash structured payouts and cash structured payments. There are companies out there that will give you cash for your settlement. What does all this mean? Here is a brief introduction to gettish cash for structured settlements. A structured settlement is basically a lump sum payment for something which you would normally get over time, only at a lower rate. What does this mean in english? This means, for example, if I am entitled to $30,000 dollars over 10 years, I may prefer to get $20,000 dollars right now. Why do I prefer this? Because I get my money NOW. This is common with people who have won lawsuits in personal injury cases. The injured may think he will finally get compensated when he walks out the courtroom. He thinks he'll get his big payday and will be waiting for that $300,000 check. The truth? He will get that money over a period of time. A cash structured settlement is a way for the person who won that lawsuit to get his money NOW. After all, the man or woman probably has bills and a mortgage that need to be paid NOW. So there are companies out there that will pay her to stave off those creditors NOW. How does this all happen? There are people and companies called note buyers or structured settlement companies. More to come...

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